Kanye West is one of those people who immediately made it into my Top 5 list of people who I want to see drowned in a kiddy pool filled with their own diarrhea (two others being P Diddy and Bill O'Reilly).

What pisses me off the most isn't even his shitty self-important attitude...it's his shitty music. And what makes it worse is that lot of people indulge this asshole and let him think his music is great and claim that he is some kind of fucking genius; it isn't, and he isn't.
It's shit, and so is he.

Give me Run DMC or Vanilla Ice over this chump any day.

I saw this sack of shit perform on Saturday Night Live, American Idol (of all fucking places), an awards show and some other gigs...they had one thing in common: HE BLEW ASS!

Am I the only one who noticed that on his albums he's got piles of studio effects covering up his voice? This is why: he can't sing. I have more talent than Kanye and I can't even get past more than 5 tracks on Rock Band on vocals. I suck, I really suck at singing...but I'd rather hear myself suck ass than listen to this shit gobbler.

But enough about his awful music (I could go all night), let's get back to his legacy of complete faggotry...since that's what really made him famous in the first place. If Kanye wasn't so fucking full of himself, no one would care about him, and he would have faded away like the Spice Girls. But Americans love controversy and Kanye's full of it (no, not controversy).

Kanye thrives off the fact that his only driving force to stardom is that he constantly does things that a retarded infant wouldn't do and spouts extreme faggotry from his mouth that the morons who buy his music consider "controversial".

Obviously, unless you've lived in a van down by the river for the past few years, his shining moment of fame was the whole Hurricane Katrina-related "George Bush doesn't care about black people" speech. Now, I'm sure if you heard Kanye tell the story, he was epic, the speech was flawless, and he totally pwned everyone.

Unfortunately, in real life, it was the weakest shit ever. I hate Bush as much as the next guy, but I've seen 2nd grade kids give better speeches about their G.I. Joe toys at Show-and-Tell.

Dude was stuttering all over the place, and there wasn't a word that came out of his mouth that you couldn't hear every nerve in his body shaking like he had Parkinson's. He was trembling like a bitch on national TV. It reminded me of a 5 year old kid trying to sound tough because he's angry and wants his toy back.

He's like the little brat who you see at the supermarket screaming his head off and crying until he gets his way because his parents support his shitty attitude by giving him everything he wants...and you, by buying his shit, you're that stupid fucking parent that I want to punch in the face for not beating some sense into that brat.

I can easily see Kanye throwing little bitch tantrums all the time if he didn't get his toys and shit when he was little. Kanye was probably the ultimate spoiled little bitch kid. Even as an adult, he's still a whiny, spoiled Hollywood bitch... and what would a Hollywood bitch be without dressing like an ultimate douche?

There's a distinct line you cross when you become an extraordinary faggot, and that cross-over happens with the decision to go out in public wearing these douchey sunglasses:

The sad thing isn't that these two actually admire one another. But they're also so in love with themselves that it makes for something gayer than two gay dudes porking each other in the ass.

And you know this fucking self-absorbed dicktard has fell so far from reality and into that "I'm super elite" Hollywood role because he's found himself among the elite group of dipshits who think that wearing fucking stupid glasses is cool:

It's like a competition to see who can put the dumbest shit possible on their face without ruining their career. Well, Kanye (et al), it looks like these folks are way ahead of the curve on that train:

Give it a few weeks; I'm sure Kanye's genius will shine through and he'll end up wearing the ones on the bottom-left to a concert. It'll be a smash hit with the 13 year old girls, like his pedo-bear themed website.

Fortunately for Mr. West, one fact still remains:

Kanye West just one furry coat away from complete and utter faggotry...



Well that does it folks.



If your name isn't Kanye West, please feel free to buy my shit: